Vyzygoth interviews ex-CIA agent Barbara Hartwell in four parts
01/01'06 The System by/with Alan Watt
To a certain degree, the most bizarre interview in this volume was not the one conducted with Michael Horn – who went on about Billy Meier and the Plejareans – but, instead, it was the two hours I did with Manhattan resident Andrea Psoras, a witness to the WTC destruction. The weirdness had little to do with the guest, but had everything to do with Charley, a Category 4 hurricane projected to whack Tampa and eastern Pasco County on the day of the show in mid August 2004. Before dawn on the day Charley was to unleash its power on us, Lady Vyz and I made the decision to evacuate our villa, which was up for sale and had a purchase pending, to seek safety at Saint Leo University, where we both worked at the time. The school was a designated shelter, but we didn't go to the buildings officially open for the locals. We both went to our respective offices – mine in the library – and set them up to accommodate us and Lady Vyz's parents. Though the story had a happy ending for us, the day was a gut-wrencher, and to keep our minds off what might have been the utter destruction of our home and possessions, Lady Vyz busied herself with office work, while I along with Harry – who had established a ham radio emergency center at the school – tried to do what we could to accommodate Red Cross and emergency personnel and the public.
The most somber moment came for Harry and me when, while we were driving across campus in a golf cart, we happened upon one of the school's plant operations supervisors, who told us that the latest reports had Charley's center passing over U.S. 41, which meant that we in eastern Pasco County were in for a very, very severe beating. Harry and I looked at each other a bit stunned, then Harry put our fortunes in perspective, saying there was nothing we could do to save our homes and possessions, that all we could do was to help others and try not to think about the impending doom. So off we went to do well, albeit with heavy hearts. As it all worked out, the report that the plant op supervisor shared with us had soon been updated to state that Charley had taken an early and unforeseen jog to the northeast, which meant we were to escape the hurricane's wrath, though it was bad news for those in the Port Charlotte and Punta Gorda areas, which got their asses kicked. Never trusting the impetuous behavior of hurricanes, however, Lady Vyz and my in-laws remained hunkered down at the school, while I left to go to the radio station to salvage my interview with Psoras if possible. When I got there, the station owner, who lives in Clearwater and out of radio range of the eastern Pasco County stations, called whomever was at the station – which was me – to state that the station could go back to regular-scheduled programming, which didn't mean a thing to me because I was going to do the show regardless what he said. And, with great relief, I did indeed do the show, which is entitled "WTC Demolition".
Included in this volume are interviews with individuals I came to loathe: Jack Blood, John Kaminski, Bob Chapman, and Dave von Kleist, who, along with his porcine wife, Joyce Reilly, are major opportunists who play the paytriot crowd like a Stradivarius. The real gems in this volume are the shows done with Kris Milligan and Charlotte Iserbyt regarding Skull and Bones, and the interviews with George Humphrey, Gaylon Ross, and WingTV. But beyond all these interviews, the one that should not ever get lost is the one conducted with Bob Schindler and Pat Anderson, respectively the brother of and the legal counsel for the late Terri Schiavo, who was exterminated by The State.
The most somber moment came for Harry and me when, while we were driving across campus in a golf cart, we happened upon one of the school's plant operations supervisors, who told us that the latest reports had Charley's center passing over U.S. 41, which meant that we in eastern Pasco County were in for a very, very severe beating. Harry and I looked at each other a bit stunned, then Harry put our fortunes in perspective, saying there was nothing we could do to save our homes and possessions, that all we could do was to help others and try not to think about the impending doom. So off we went to do well, albeit with heavy hearts. As it all worked out, the report that the plant op supervisor shared with us had soon been updated to state that Charley had taken an early and unforeseen jog to the northeast, which meant we were to escape the hurricane's wrath, though it was bad news for those in the Port Charlotte and Punta Gorda areas, which got their asses kicked. Never trusting the impetuous behavior of hurricanes, however, Lady Vyz and my in-laws remained hunkered down at the school, while I left to go to the radio station to salvage my interview with Psoras if possible. When I got there, the station owner, who lives in Clearwater and out of radio range of the eastern Pasco County stations, called whomever was at the station – which was me – to state that the station could go back to regular-scheduled programming, which didn't mean a thing to me because I was going to do the show regardless what he said. And, with great relief, I did indeed do the show, which is entitled "WTC Demolition".
Included in this volume are interviews with individuals I came to loathe: Jack Blood, John Kaminski, Bob Chapman, and Dave von Kleist, who, along with his porcine wife, Joyce Reilly, are major opportunists who play the paytriot crowd like a Stradivarius. The real gems in this volume are the shows done with Kris Milligan and Charlotte Iserbyt regarding Skull and Bones, and the interviews with George Humphrey, Gaylon Ross, and WingTV. But beyond all these interviews, the one that should not ever get lost is the one conducted with Bob Schindler and Pat Anderson, respectively the brother of and the legal counsel for the late Terri Schiavo, who was exterminated by The State.
knoll 146 Charlotte Iserbyt on her father's involvement with Skull and Bones
knoll 147 Bob Schindler and Pat Anderson on Terri Schiavo: Not to be Forgotten
knoll 148 Gaylon Ross) How the not so secret organizations shaping global life
knoll 149 Bob Chapman with more wrong predictions
Jack Blood (God Save Us) Part 1 – knoll 150 & Part 2 – knoll 160
knoll 161 Victor Thorn, WingTV) The China Syndrome
knoll 162 John Kaminski, author of "America's Autopsy Report"
Kris Millegan, author of Fleshing Out Skull and Bones Part 1 – knoll 151 & Part 2 – knoll 152
Andrea Psoras, eyewitness WTC demolition Part 1 – knoll 153 & Part 2 – knoll 154
George Humphrey, author of "Hidden Dangers of the New World Order"
Part 1 – knoll 155 & Part 2 – knoll 156
Charles T. Wilcox – Canadian Driftwood knoll 158
Dave von Kleist – 9/11 In Plane Site knoll 159
Michael Horn on Billy Meier and The Plejarens (Somebody Shoot Me)
Part 1 – knoll 144 & Part 2 – knoll 145
Listening to this volume roils a sea of emotions. In many ways, it was the best work we ever did, content and technologically speaking, in that we got "hot" guests, the computers did what they were supposed to do, the CD players worked, the 800 lines functioned, though you could hear the RF whine in some of the shows. Harry was sharp. Thought Criminal was, as yet, still sober. Life was good. For each show, Lady Vyz and I provided a cooler of beer and several pizzas for Harry, TC, me, and our wives. I felt very good about all that and for being the one who orchestrated this, but not without the seed help and inspiration from Harry. Against this nice front was the nasty bullshit agitating behind it all. Harry hated Jeff, the former owner of the twin AM stations, 1300 and 1400. And I can't blame him. Harry and Jeff were a great morning duo, but Jeff never dealt from the top of the deck, and there was a lot of bad shit that went down. When Jeff sold to the current owner, a millionaire and classic misanthrope and a lecherous son of a bitch, we knew we were on borrowed time. And we were.
But here we present some sweet shows. It was a time, however brief, when things were humming along as best they could. When I've watched documentaries on great duos like Martin and Lewis or Abbott and Costello, I, like a lot of folks, wished them to get back together, like, what's the problem, guys? Now I understand it's not all that possible to keep the peace.
Harry is a force unto himself. He is ethereal. He hits and he retreats. He loses interest. And finds new ones. Everybody loves Harry and the way he busted my balls. And I was fine with that. But it was Harry who just sauntered away. He had that right. I just didn't understand him. I don't know that I do to this day. But I can tell you that I don't care anymore. And Harry doesn't care that I don't care. So here is what we can give you ... for too brief a time.
But here we present some sweet shows. It was a time, however brief, when things were humming along as best they could. When I've watched documentaries on great duos like Martin and Lewis or Abbott and Costello, I, like a lot of folks, wished them to get back together, like, what's the problem, guys? Now I understand it's not all that possible to keep the peace.
Harry is a force unto himself. He is ethereal. He hits and he retreats. He loses interest. And finds new ones. Everybody loves Harry and the way he busted my balls. And I was fine with that. But it was Harry who just sauntered away. He had that right. I just didn't understand him. I don't know that I do to this day. But I can tell you that I don't care anymore. And Harry doesn't care that I don't care. So here is what we can give you ... for too brief a time.
Michael Elliott) knoll 123 "9/11" Review & knoll 129 When the next shoe drops
knoll 124 G. Edward Griffin, author of The Creature from Jekyll Island
Barry Chamish on Sabbateans and goes head-to-head with Saint Leo University Professor
Jack McTague) knoll 126 f.
Wing TV Double Play) knoll 128 Wings Over America – Victor Thorn and Lisa Guiliani
knoll 130 Charles T. Wilcox, author of Transformation of the Republic
knoll 131 Mark Weber on Historical Revisionism
knoll 133 Joel Skousen) summer solstice, global problems
"9/11" Omission Commission knoll 134 f.
knoll 136 Marc Stevens – Adventures in Legal Land
Chris Pinto, producer of the "Megiddo" series) Part 1 – knoll 139 & Part 2 – knoll 140
knoll 141 Stan McGahey, Saint Leo University Professor and U.N. Tourist Consultant
knoll 142 Eric Jon Phelps, author of Vatican Assassins, on illegal immigration, mongrelization, and the planned destruction of the U.S.
[...] Catherine Austin Fitts appears on a three-parter. Fitts, I fear, is a bit of a scamstress herself. While she was in interview, Harry, sitting across from me at his table, made a face while he was listening and joined his hands in a pyramid form. She acts as if she's not part of the problem, but I'm not so sure she hasn't created her own little bailiwick. And her work, along with other questionable types involved with http://unansweredquestions.org was very questionable itself.
Filmmaker Chris Pinto made his first appearance, speaking to his "Megiddo" series. I don't know if he ever finished the series, allowing himself to be diverted to his undertaking with David Bay, which is in the realm of the Dan Brown's "DaVinci Code" crap. More commercial. And less factual. Geez, ain't that a surprise.
Property rights advocate Shu Bartholomew makes her initial appearance on this volume. Shu is pretty tenacious and honest as hell, but I feel – and rightfully so – that she places way too much trust in our state legislators, who suck as bad as those on the Federal level because, after all, they want to play among those very same Big Dogs one day in the District of Isis.
Making his first and only appearance is Tom DeWeese, Grand Poobah of the American Policy Center. He's good with land issues, but little else. He and his staff have not been forthcoming with offering answers to questions I posed to them about their funding and the veracity of his posturing in other issues, namely the move among the several states to convene a new Constitutional Convention. Bullshit.
Beyond Joel Skousen, and his tired mantra of "It's the Russians", I would ask listeners to pay special attention to Dr. Stan McGahey's discourse on Iraq's little known treasure: the Erbil Citadel, and to Rex Curry, (kn. 119) a true diamond in the rough, who is a pit bull when it comes to the severe yet backdoor socialistic incursions into our nation's policies and legislation, which we are seeing to a great extent once again, though few recognize that it's not a Democrat or Republican thing, but an internationalist thing facilitated by the very conspirators whose centuries-long machinations, we are told, are the thing of theory.
Filmmaker Chris Pinto made his first appearance, speaking to his "Megiddo" series. I don't know if he ever finished the series, allowing himself to be diverted to his undertaking with David Bay, which is in the realm of the Dan Brown's "DaVinci Code" crap. More commercial. And less factual. Geez, ain't that a surprise.
Property rights advocate Shu Bartholomew makes her initial appearance on this volume. Shu is pretty tenacious and honest as hell, but I feel – and rightfully so – that she places way too much trust in our state legislators, who suck as bad as those on the Federal level because, after all, they want to play among those very same Big Dogs one day in the District of Isis.
Making his first and only appearance is Tom DeWeese, Grand Poobah of the American Policy Center. He's good with land issues, but little else. He and his staff have not been forthcoming with offering answers to questions I posed to them about their funding and the veracity of his posturing in other issues, namely the move among the several states to convene a new Constitutional Convention. Bullshit.
Beyond Joel Skousen, and his tired mantra of "It's the Russians", I would ask listeners to pay special attention to Dr. Stan McGahey's discourse on Iraq's little known treasure: the Erbil Citadel, and to Rex Curry, (kn. 119) a true diamond in the rough, who is a pit bull when it comes to the severe yet backdoor socialistic incursions into our nation's policies and legislation, which we are seeing to a great extent once again, though few recognize that it's not a Democrat or Republican thing, but an internationalist thing facilitated by the very conspirators whose centuries-long machinations, we are told, are the thing of theory.
kn. 108 ff.) John Kaminski, author of America's Autopsy Report
kn. 115 f., Multistalkers)
Eleanor White on electronic and psychotronic harassment, with Sue Ann Campbell
[...] Charles Wilcox makes his debut and became a frequent guest during the Grassy Knoll days.
Two local people are also interviewed in this volume: Dr. Tiger Edmonds, an English professor at Saint Leo University and John Paul Daidone, who was administering what is loosely called Rife Technology.
Edmonds has a throaty cowboy voice in the manner of Sam Elliott and is a motorcycle enthusiast who has logged hundreds of thousands of miles on his vintage BMW. You know he spent his summer vacations. With his magical voice and blacktop experiences, it's easy to understand why Tiger has given countless readings, voiceovers, and audio-book recordings. Tiger has since retired and gotten married. Wonder if the Beemer now has a sidecar?
Doris Rapp: living in a chemical world
Larry Tye, biographer of Edward Bernays, America's first PR man
Jim Fetzer on the death of Paul Wellstone
Kathleen Sullivan, author of Unshackled
Eric Jon Phelps, author of Vatican Assassins
Dr. Ann Blake Tracy on SSRIs
C.T. Wilcox, author of Transformation of the Republic, formerly titled "Democracy Under Siege"
Joan Veon on the U.N.
Eleanor White on electronic/psychotronic harrassment
Property rights advocate Carol Lagrasse
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