"The culture is an enormous arrow pointing: go this way!" Terence McKenna
Aus: Voltaire. Leben und Briefe Bericht eines großen Lebens (1985) J.G. Leithäuser
Voltaire to the marquis de Villevielle on December 20, 1768:
"No, my dear marquis, no, and once more no: the today's Socratesses don't drink no longer cups of hemlock. That Socrates of Athens was – between you and me – a very incautious human being. A stubborn mind being always right who had made himself thousands of enemies and had vindicated himself most awkwardly in front of his judges.
Our philosophers of today are much more skillful. They don't have the stupid and dangerous vanity to publish their works under their real names. Invisible hands shoot the arrows of truth which hit fanatism everywhere in Europe. The recently died Damilaville was the author of the "Unveiled Christianity" and a lot of other scripts, but nobody did know it. During his lifetime, his friends have been kept the secret with an allegiance which is worthy to the philosophy. Yet today, nobody knows who the author of the book is that's going under the name "Fréret". In Holland, there were published not less than sixty volumes against superstition over the last years whose authors are completely unknown, although they could perkily reveal their identities. Thousand feathers are writing, and one hundred thousand voices are rising against the abuse and to the benefit of tolerance.
The revolution of spirits, which is in progress for about 12 years, had contributed not an insignificant amount that the Jesuits were chased away from so many states, and that the rulers have taken courage now to outdare the juggernaut in Rome of whom they trembled with fear in former times. The people is stupid, but now the light does even get directly through to it. Believe me, in Geneva, for instance, there are no twenty people who swear off Calvin as well as the Pope, and in Paris you can find philosophers in craftsmen's booths, yet.
But I'll die with confidence because I will still experience the true religion, namely the religion of the heart, which is built on the ruins of the dogmatic frills and furbelows. I never have preached something else than to worship the one god, and benevolence, and lenience. In this faith I affront the devil, that doesn't exist, and the real devilish fanatics of which there are too many. When you go back to your regiment, don't forget my little castle that lies on your way. I don't want to die without having embraced you."
"We are not embedded. The world doesn't work that way."
I know. It took me a while, too.
And although Terry McKenna had a clear view on the deep psychological grasp and the political clasp as well with his "culture is your operating system", he didn't analyze the politics of inculturation of Jesuit secretary generals and stayed blind in the same way like you to Kafka's discovery and the absolute core principle of power.
"We are educated to believe we are living in a scientific age free of myth and religion."
We are educated to believe we were free citizens living in democratic societies. Ask some North Koreans or some former Soviet citizens or citizens of the GDR for instance, if they feel or felt like being "embedded", not knowing of another world!
When you're saying, no, we're not embedded, it’s impossible, than you're saying, no, there is no monolithic system with one single godlike king at the top, no pyramid of power, so to speak, no rigorous hierarchy of command and so on. So then you do will argue with the “monolithic" nature of the "machine" albeit you're surely conscious that Kennedy, who obviously was embedded as a Knight of Columbus, has very deliberately decided for a rather exotic vocabulary. Okay. Let's see!
Till the implementation of world wide digital data highways, we were existentially relying on leading figures. That's why "the monolithicness of the shepherd's fold" or "the monolithic thinking and directing system" could work more or less throughout history. It only went underground after forced to veil its scorning character by the reformation wave after the invention of the letterpress 500 years ago. Now, the digital communication space makes and will make all secret networks transparent and enables correspondences between every single one of the civilized world's population, privately and publicly.
The "monolithicness" (or simply the monolith) was always tremendously far more guaranteed by aspects of piety than aspects by conspiracy, and so it is today, too. For this reason I take devoutness for the bigger and more important theme, also because of its ability to enfold all responsibilities from the highest degrees of insider's knowledge until to the total lowbrows. I guess putting the emphasis on conspiracy occurs deliberately with two main aims: First, yet seemingly small deviations can stretch the truth and hide it, and this deviation is fascinating like a thriller, which means that it is very entertaining and therefore highly efficient, and second: Conspiracy theorists can be quickly and easily moved near to the conspiring terrorists.
Disdainfulness seems, in my opinion, to be the supreme subject of a debate on embedded existences in monolithic, quasi-military bureaucratic structures.
In the Dark Ages, "the monolithic thinking and directing system" was possible and remained incontrovertible because there were no books in the hands of peoples and no freedom of conscience at all. Called so by The Macmillian Atlas History of Christianity by Franklin H. Litell (New York, 1976, Macmillian Publishing Co.):
"In the course of the formation of a monolithic thinking and directing system, medieval christianity had been devoted itself to a couple of teachings about the natural world which couldn't withstand the test of the experiment and ofpainstaking observation." (p. 94 in the German edition)
With today's technologies used by the most superior high priests of social engineering to limit cognitive liberty to a horrifying extent, a modern shepherd's fold became possible again, especially due to tele envisioning, of course (Hollywood's propagandistic entertainment via television, the remote-controlled implantation of memes as most important part of inculturating practices), and I think, it's already intact.
You have the liberties of a slave, of a franchisee, the liberties of incorporated personnel with artificial personalities as invisible companions for persistent bureaucratic access.
Your Statue of Liberty stands on maritime ground – you have no freedom.
At the latest, you'll realize your embeddedness when there are tiny microchip implants that we then carry under the skin with us day in, day out.
They can stage absolute horrific, bloody-minded, most cruel spectacles like their "9/11" or 6/9 in August 1945 for a global audience – both acts of inculturation – where the War on Terror mindset succeeded the Cold War mindset "in office", and the public can't do anything but going along with either the controlled corporate mainstream or the new controlled conspiracy mainstream. That's what I call the post-Nineeleven maelstrom of two dialectically well-orchestrated main opinion streams, but no, "we are not embedded. The world doesn't work that way."
South Tower = Hiroshima, North Tower = Nagasaki. The game with bloc confrontation became impossible through the internet, and, in addition to that, the surveillance state ought to be built much easier with mass hysteria on irrational terrorist threats within the country than with mass hysteria on a foreign enemy.
Assuming that you're familiar with the "freeman on the land" movement, you ought to know that your whole legal status as a citizen happens to be a bad joke, but no, "we are not embedded. The world doesn't work that way."
How do you think the CAFR issue relates to your corporate identity?
Jesuit trained CIA agents join the mainstream media (Michael F. Scheuer – CBS) as well as the 9/11 truth movement (Ray McGovern), but no, "we are not embedded. The world doesn't work that way."
There exist a blueprint of 10 steps to close societies step by step, but no, "we are not embedded. The world doesn't work that way."
After the detonation of the second atomic bursting charge in Nagasaki, the Republic of China as the last country joined the club when the Gregorian calendar was finally fully adopted by the Chinese.
Do you know Ian Xel Lungold's "one law in universe"?
"What you pay attention to, is what you become conscious of. Always."
But no, "we are not embedded. The world doesn't work that way."
"On the other hand, half of the country is on antidepressants, and it fits her symptoms perfectly." Dr. Gregory House
But no, nobody is embedded, either economically (physically) or mentally (psychologically), because:
"The world doesn't work that way." Dr. Terry Melanson
There is no separation of body and soul, there aren't "halluzinations", dreaming doesn't mean producing a dream, etc., and that is not another story. (Just opinions of mine, forget about it.)
And cause we are that much not embedded, we're not living under the cross of a strict pharmaceutic, fascist drug dictatorship enjoying the benefits of a flourishing hemp industry.
And cause we are that much not embedded, we're driving oxyhydrogen-burning motor vehicles.
And cause we are that much not embedded,
"we are not laymen", and "nobody is smarter than you are."
The thing is this, Marx delivered not only the communist paradigm for the role as antithesis, but he also defined capitalism as thesis of which nearly all citizens are thinking these are unalterable facts, that's undisputable, ultimate science. Historical destiny, if you will. And with Pesch's solidarism they arbitrate between the extremes proficiently. How much, for instance, are you personally able to think for yourself beyond economies driven by central banks like the life of the indigenous people was organized by Jesuits in their reductions along the Uruguay River? Therefore, it would be of fateful importance to supply solid evidence that Marx was subject to the order and an agent of Rome, and therefore, it wouldn't be a matter of "tea and biscuits" if it's true that Jesuit professes did hung out with Marx in the museum's reading room or elsewhere.
The music in our today's reductions of the Jesuitical world kingdom, that we all live in since Hitler and Stalin, and Hiroshima and Nagasaki, is called Marxism-Peschism. The "Vatican-led New World Order" is actually an existing world administration, and that for over 60 years by now.
Here comes the kingdom's dominating design: "A corporation is an externalizing machine in the same way that a shark is a killing machine. Each one is designed in a very efficient way to accomplish particular objectives. In the achievement of those objectives, there isn't any question of malevolence or of will. The enterprise has within it, and the shark has within it, those characteristics that enable it to do that for which it was designed."
"To whom do these companies owe loyalty? What does loyalty mean? Well, it turns out that that was a rather naïve concept anyways as corporations are always owed obligation to themselves to get large and to get profitable. In doing this, it tends to be more profitable to the extent that it can make other people pay the bills for its impact on society."
But no, "we are not embedded. The world doesn't work that way."
From the Motu Proprio's text of Pope Pius X according to the translation of the "Kölnische Volkszeitung" on December 25, 1903, quoted in Hoensbroech's "Rom und das Zentrum":
14. In pursuance of its activities, Christian democracy has the most severe duty to subject itself to the clerical authority by showing full submissiveness and obedience to the bishops and their representatives. It bears no witness to either meritorious diligence or true devoutness to do nice and good things if such aren't ratified by the own spiritual leader (Oberhirte = superior shepherd).
The world doesn't work that way? Shall I continue? "Churches back plan to unite under Pope" Oops. Have you seen the documentary We Feed The World by Erwin Wagenhofer?
Well, the world actually does work that way, and that for at least 5.000 years right now.
Elected people's representatives are confronted with networks that are older, much mightier than parties, and above all, much much more sophisticated.
Say, do you believe in the virginal birth of the whole universe like the "big bang" of the virginally born Jesus?
Let's talk about love and moneytheism, and later then about conspiracy. They wanted a "conspiracy theory"?! From now on they can get a piety theory where the conspiracy aspect is an integral part of.
A short list of topics that spontaneously cross my mind for taking into consideration by kind of an operating system-like, overarching, general piety theory: opportunism, loy(ol)alty, pursuit of career at any price, Christian obedience in general, hypocrisy, moral cowardness, the non-ironic pride of being and remaining stupid, common infantilism to the highest degree, laziness, habit, tradition and kitsch …
"Josef Kreitmaier SJ was a defender of kitsch because kitsch makes happy. Half art and surrogate art are preferred to the real masterpieces by the people in its large majority ('Stimmen der Zeit' in 1940).
The trivial man wants to live in a dull euphoria. Father Kreitmaier's commentary didn't coincidentally happen during World War II. Adolf Hitler's Thousand Years Reich propagandistically wallowed in noble kitsch, and there were of course ecclesial circles who didn't want to lose connexion here."
So they thoroughly know their little sheep very well what means that this explicit fact must be a major subject in the mirror of public opinion to stop the implanting of potentially deadly surveillance microchips into human flesh (mad-cow disease, bird flu, swine flu etc.). Because when that happens across a broad front, the loyal system of Loyola wins forever.
Milan Kundera made kitsch a superior subject in his novels and pointed out some deep insights – in Immortality, for instance, that there are just a handful of gestures which all have to share.
Fetischism, spiritual insouciance. Have you heard of the spirituality of the Enneagram?
"Just How Stupid Are We?"
The theme behind Cube, the theme behind Thank you for Smoking (No one calls lobbyism a conspiracy!), the "scholarship of liberty" issue, the theatrical dimension of Hegelian dialectics, peer pressure, the item of intellectual needs at all, deep television devoutness by self-identifying with the moderating and performing figurines on the matt screen, the all accepted factitiousness of society, and so on and so forth. With his blindspot Richard Grove became one of the first serious piety theorists/scientists that I know of.
What is your big picture (if you have one after 10 to 15 years of studying the "hall of secrecy")? I'm afraid you can endlessly run the personnel haggling about the Illuminates your entire life long without substantially helping initiated insiders, feverishly searching conspiracy detectives or those who totally favor the "blessings" of ignorance. Don't get me wrong here, please, I'm an admirer of your work, your doggedness and your dedication to precision, I'm just missing a basic systemic approach of yours. Only Illuminates, no Illuminism, you know. "I'm against all 'isms'", too! The thing is, they rule with them in a virtuoso manner. These -isms are their instruments for taking captive free (unhived) liberal thinking. These -isms are their main weapons of mass manipulation to create and control always new cold and hot frontlines of terror and war. They hive the minds of people with them: it's the spiritual political combustion chamber of the monolith, the system, the machine!
You can't just consign them to the dustbin of "your feeling of not being appreciated".
I think, our main objective, resp. the so-called way of the brunt, should be to dissolve the boundaries of all of those -isms by showing the cleverly hidden spiritual political core which I believe is very identical within every single one of them and has to do with devoutness and conformation. Your thinking of factual "precise side-by-side comparisons" appears not being sufficient enough. Maybe we could go ahead significantly more quickly with focused analyses concerning the contents of the holyness and the enlightedness of Catholicism, Islamism, Jesuitism-Loyolalty, Jacobinism, Illuminism, Mormonism, Marxism, Bolshevism-Leninism, Scientologie, Peschism, Conspiracism, "9/11" Hoaxism including all the derivatives of them and what's coming next. They have enticed us into a sideshow, they have decoyed us with several nice controversies, and as long as such pathetic hypocrites and would-be Jesuses like Tom Hanks can stir "Pearl Harbor" and "9/11" into the conspiracy dump bin with moon and alien landing hoaxes etc., they win. Nineeleven was and is not a conspiracy but the way of life that we all are living together. A special business activity (resp. a regulatory measure, to be precise). Otherwise one would have to call the philosophy of state of the pharaohs already "conspiracy" (at least from a today's viewpoint). Nevertheless, not the entirety of truthseekers had let itself be knocked off course by their tricky charades. Greg Szymanski for instance lives up to his own demands that are called Investigative Journal and Arctic Beacon.
"The Nazis admired the Jesuits as much as they hated them. According to Heinrich Himmler, the "Reichsführer SS", this "most important and politically most active order" stands on top of the Catholic Church. The SS did even spy out the Jesuits – not so much to detect subversive intrigues but more to learn the tricks of the business from them (as the Nazis saw it). The order's members, the "strike force of the Vatican", appear to them as being virtually a model what a secret service could be with their versatile connections, the first-class education, and the brillant operational plans. The Jesuits were able to defend the church against its opponents, and they were also able to fight its enemies. What they didn't know at the SS was how right they were about it."
Peter Godman quoting Friedrich Zipfel and Michael Burleigh
There's no other brotherhood or corporate body in the world which is collectively higher educated and more fanatic than our Tetragrammaton Clerics from Jesus' Order. Jesuitism works like the Borg.
Voltaire to M. M … "The eremite whom you wrote gets often letters of authors and amateurs that are personally unknown to him. The letters are very rarely worthy to answer them at all. Your correspondence is of different cast. It shows healthy metaphysics, and if you had consulted no books for it, then it is proven that you have the makings of writing a very good book. This belongs to the greatest rarities on this territory.
Freedom, how the scholastics understand it, is nothing more than a crazy phantasm. If you only trust a little bit in the future of your own and not wanting to make empty words, then it is clear that everything that exists and happens is necessary. Because if it wouldn't be so, it would be useless. The honorable sect of the stoics had this opinion too, and this truth can be find on hundreds of places at Homer's work: his Jupiter stood under the law of destiny.
If something exists, then there has to be also an eternal being. That's proven because otherwise there would be an effect without an origin. From the elderly – without a unique exception – matter was been regarded as immortal, too.
With the infinity and the almighty it doesn't behave in the same way. I don't see why it is necessary that every room would have to be filled. And I don't get Clarke's line of argument when he writes: "What necessarily exists at one place must necessarily exist at every place." It seems, one has raised very reasonable objections against this sentence, where he could counter only weakish arguments with those. Why should it be impossible that there is just a limited amount of beings? I better realize a bounded nature than an infinitive one.
For me, there are only probabilities about these questions, and I have to bend to the strongest probabilities. Due to the fact that in nature – as far as I'm aware of – all is in accord with each other, you probably have to believe in a plan. That plan let me recognize a creator. This originator is, without a doubt, very mighty. But philosophy alone can't convince me that this great craftsman is unconditionally mighty. A house of forty feet high demonstrates me an architect, but my wits alone can't persuade myself of the probability that this architect is also able to build a house with a height of ten thousand miles. It maybe could be part of his nature to just build one that is fourty feet high. My wits alone also don't tell me that there would be only this particular one architect in the room, and if a human being wanted to assure me that there would be a large number of similar architects, so I wouldn't know how to substantiate the opposite to him.
Metaphysics is the field of doubts, and the novel of the soul. We are knowing quite well that more than one scholar had told us fooleries, but we don't own verities however which we could use to counter their countless misapprehensions. We are drifting in the dark. We are having only very few clear ideas, and it seems that is has to be so because we are just living creatures about five and a half feet high with a four cubic inch brain. My brain is the devoted servant of your one."
Terence McKenna on Human Nature psychedelic experience = political dynamite
"We have been infected with the idea of original sin, and this is part of what keeps us infantile. We actually believe, I think every single one of us at some level, that we are flawed, unfit. And this is paralyzing. Because if we start talking about redesigning human nature, people say: 'Oh, wow, this is what Hitler was talking about. As soon as you start redefining human nature, you redefine it worst. The beast returns.' It means, you know, we have no faith whatsoever, and we believe that the given situation is the best of all possible worlds, is what that saying. And I don't believe that."
Thank you for the book recommendation, and if you can't imagine Jesuit supremacy at all, you should allow yourself a look into The Teachings of Don Juan by Carlos Castaneda to get a first idea. Oh, by the way, do Bill Cooper and Jordan Maxwell (see link above) seem to share the same "mistaking" about Mazzini as Eric Phelps does? Cooper @ 33 min: "It was Giuseppe Mazzini who created and fostered and gave the charter to what is now known as the mafia." Maxwell: "That's right. Cosa Nostra was Mazzini – a Masonic order. No doubt about it."
And thanks for the inspiration, Terry, but I need your help because I couldn't find anything written or said by Constance Cumbey that would be weighty enough to devitalize Phelps' breakthrough or could weaken the anti-blind obedience movement.
Aus: Voltaire. Leben und Briefe S. 484) 20. Dez. 1768 An den Marquis de Villevielle
"Nein, mein lieber Marquis, nein und abermals nein: die Sokratesse von heute trinken keine Schierlingsbecher mehr. Jener Sokrates von Athen war – unter uns gesagt – ein sehr unvorsichtiger Mensch. Ein sturer Rechthaber, der sich tausend Feinde gemacht hatte und sich vor seinen Richtern höchst ungeschickt verteidigte.
Unsere Philosophen von heute sind viel geschickter. Sie haben nicht die dumme und gefährliche Eitelkeit, ihre Werke unter ihrem Namen zu veröffentlichen. Unsichtbare Hände schießen die Pfeile der Wahrheit ab, die den Fanatismus überall in Europa treffen. Der kürzlich gestorbene Damilaville war der Verfasser des "Entschleierten Christentums" und vieler anderer Schriften, aber niemand hat das gewusst. Seine Freunde haben zu seinen Lebzeiten das Geheimnis bewahrt mit einer Treue, die der Philosophie würdig ist. Noch heute weiß niemand, wer der Verfasser des Buches ist, das unter dem Namen "Fréret" läuft. In Holland hat man in den letzten Jahren nicht weniger als sechzig Bände gegen den Aberglauben gedruckt, deren Verfasser völlig unbekannt sind, obgleich sie sich kecklich zu erkennen geben könnten. Tausend Federn schreiben, und hunderttausend Stimmen erheben sich gegen den Missbrauch und zugunsten der Toleranz.
Die Revolution der Geister, die seit etwa zwölf Jahren im Gang ist, hat nicht wenig dazu beigetragen, dass die Jesuiten aus so vielen Staaten verjagt worden sind und dass die Fürsten jetzt Mut gefasst haben, dem Götzen in Rom, vor dem sie einst alle gezittert haben, zu trotzen. Das Volk ist dumm, und doch dringt das Licht jetzt sogar bis zu ihm. Glauben Sie mir, in Genf beispielsweise gibt es keine zwanzig Menschen, die Calvin nicht ebenso wie dem Papst abschwören, und in Paris können Sie schon in den Handwerkerbuden Philosophen finden.
Ich aber werde getrost sterben, denn ich werde noch die wahre Religion erleben, nämlich die Religion des Herzens, die auf den Trümmern der dogmatischen Firlefanzereien errichtet ist. Ich habe nie etwas anderes gepredigt als die Anbetung des einen Gottes, und Güte und Nachsicht. In diesem Glauben trotze ich dem Teufel, den es gar nicht gibt, und den wirklich teuflischen Fanatikern, deren es nur zu viele gibt. Wenn Sie zu Ihrem Regiment zurückkehren, vergessen Sie mein kleines Schloss nicht, das auf Ihrem Wege liegt. Ich möchte nicht sterben, ohne Sie nochmals umarmt zu haben."
S. 508 f.) An M. M ...
"Der Einsiedler, an den Sie geschrieben haben, erhält häufig Briefe von Schriftstellern und Amateuren, die ihm persönlich unbekannt sind. Nur selten sind die Briefe es wert, dass man überhaupt darauf antwortet. Ihr Brief ist anderer Art. Daraus spricht eine gesunde Metaphysik, und wenn Sie keine Bücher zu Rat gezogen haben, so ist damit bewiesen, dass Sie das Zeug haben, ein sehr gutes Buch zu verfassen. Das gehört auf diesem Gebiet zu den größten Seltenheiten.
Freiheit, wie die Scholastiker sie verstehen, ist nichts weiter als ein verrücktes Hirngespinst. Wofern man sich auch nur ein wenig auf seine Vernunft verlässt und nicht leere Worte machen will, ist es klar, dass alles, was existiert und geschieht, notwendig ist. Denn wäre es nicht notwendig, so wäre es unnütz. Die ehrenwerte Sekte der Stoiker war auch dieser Meinung, und schon bei Homer ist diese Wahrheit an hundert Stellen zu finden: sein Jupiter stand unter dem Gesetz des Schicksals.
Wenn etwas existiert, dass muss es auch ein ewiges Wesen geben. Das ist bewiesen, denn sonst gäbe es ja eine Wirkung ohne Ursache. Auch die Alten, ohne eine einzige Ausnahme, haben die Materie für unsterblich gehalten.
Nicht ebenso verhält es sich mit der Unendlichkeit und der Allmacht. Ich sehe nicht ein, warum es nötig ist, dass jeder Raum gefüllt sei. Und ich begreife Clarkes Beweisführung nicht, wenn er schreibt: "Was notwendigerweise an einem Ort existiert, muss notwendigerweise an jedem Ort existieren." Man hat gegen diesen Satz, wie mir scheint, sehr berechtigte Einwände erhoben, denen er nur schwächliche Erwiderungen entgegenzusetzen hatte. Warum soll es unmöglich sein, dass es nur eine begrenzte Zahl von Wesen gibt? Ich begreife eine begrenzte Natur besser als eine unendliche.
Über diese Fragen gibt es für mich nur Wahrscheinlichkeiten, und ich muss mich den stärksten Wahrscheinlichkeiten beugen. Da in der Natur – soweit ich sie kenne – alles untereinander in Einklang steht, muss man wohl an einen Plan glauben. Dieser Plan lässt mich einen Urheber erkennen. Dieser Urheber ist zweifellos sehr mächtig. Aber die Philosophie allein kann mich nicht davon überzeugen, dass dieser große Handwerker unbeschränkt mächtig ist. Ein Haus von vierzig Fuß Höhe beweist mir einen Architekten, aber mein Verstand allein kann mir nicht einreden, dass dieser Architekt auch imstande ist, ein Haus von zehntausend Meilen Höhe zu erstellen. Es lag vielleicht in seiner Natur, nur eines von vierzig Fuß Höhe zu erbauen. Mein Verstand allein sagt mir auch nicht, dass es nur diesen einen Architekten im Raum gebe, und wenn ein Mensch mir versichern wollte, dass es eine große Zahl ähnlicher Architekten gebe, so weiß ich nicht, wie ich ihm das Gegenteil nachweisen könnte.
Die Metaphysik ist das Feld der Zweifel und der Roman der Seele. Wir wissen sehr wohl, dass mehr als ein Gelehrter uns Dummheiten gesagt hat, aber wir besitzen kaum irgendwelche Wahrheiten, die wir ihren zahllosen Irrtümern entgegensetzen könnten. Wir treiben im Ungewissen. Wir haben nur sehr wenige klare Ideen, und das muss wohl so sein, da wir ja nur Lebewesen von etwa fünfeinhalb Fuß Höhe sind mit einem Gehirn von etwa vier Kubikzoll Inhalt. Mein Gehirn ist der ergebene Diener des Ihrigen."